Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Puppy Playing with Toy: Teeth Project

This week's photo is of Kronos playing with a squeaky toy and him chewing it.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Little Bits of Bella Photo Book Project

I am launching the Little Bits of Bella Photo Book Project. I will be selecting photos for the book and putting them together into a book as well as on the project page where they can be viewed individually.

The following photo is going to be the cover:

Happy Wednesday! Hope you're having a great week and have a splendid rest of the weekend!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Weekend Trip to San Diego and San Luis Obispo

From November 22 to November 25 I visited San Diego and San Luis Obispo (SLO) in California. I visited my aunt and stayed with her. It was an impromptu trip and it was a great break. The scenery, people, pets, and places were just gorgeous.

The first animal I met in my travels is Rainbow. He is an orange tabby. His eyes are piercing and his mask makes him look very much like a lion. However, he is sweet as honey, and very much like a dog. Within moments he was posing beautifully for my camera-sitting so nicely and looking directly at the lens. I tried capturing some natural shots, but he hopped off and wanted to be petted. So, I settled on doing a bit of training with him. The other cats around the property are feral and wouldn't even let me get close enough to take a decent picture. The peahen and chickens were not very obliging either...